2020 Rewind
“What a year it has been!” is probably a phrase you have all heard quite frequently the past few days, months, and weeks. I think we can all agree it has been quite a year and by this point we have all suffered from something. Whether that be a loss in he family, suffering from this awful virus, heartbreak, depression, injury, or loneliness. In fact, I lost my childhood dog in April and my grandmother in November. I had never lost anything that close to me before. Even though they were hard times to get through, I am now more sensitive to others and am more understanding of what others are feeling when they go through a loss or a hard time. My stomach turns and it feels as though my heart is literally breaking for them when they tell me what they are going through. It is sad to see how peoples lives are changing so quickly all at once. Despite these tragic times I am thankful that God put this time in front of me.
Empathy is very underestimated and I feel that 2020 and my growth in faith made my empathy towards others so strong. I encourage everyone this year to also show empathy towards others, especially if you have been suffered this year in one way or another. Live 2021 by the golden rule: “Treat others the way you want to be treated.”
Not only in 2020 did I experience loss, but I found myself evolving as a person and becoming stronger than I ever have. I learned to stop stressing about having over an hour workout, working out 6 times per week, or doing large amounts of cardio before a long workout. This virus forced me to slow down, love myself, my worth, and the simple movements my body is able to do. I now workout between 30 and 45 minutes. I also will consider a long hour walk a workout. I remember at one point all I was doing for a week or two was walking and I felt great! As a college athlete I would have told myself walking is no where near a workout. It is so hard to adapt to a daily exercise change as athletes, but in doing so your body feels the benefit. No longer do I dread a workout or feel like a 30 minute workout is not enough. I exercise based on how my body feels and since doing so I have felt much healthier mentally and physically. In addition, I also take 2 days off per week and if I have 3 one week that’s ok too. On my days off I have enjoyed golfing, walking my dog, or just have relaxing time with my family.
I am grateful and sad 2020 happened the way it did, but I know God’s timing is everything and that as long as we trust in him and build ourselves up as best we can that’s all we can do. If you are not religious or a Christian I still think building yourself up through something that is positive everyday is so fulfilling and makes you happier, more empathetic, positive, and healthier. 2021 I have a feeling you are going to be great!
“The greatest wealth is to live content with little. ”